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Monday, June 30, 2008

Former Ghana Airways workers to receive $2.5m arrears

Former staff of Ghana Airways, now Ghana International Airline (GIA), would from the beginning of next year (2009) receive an amount of $2.25million, being arrears owed them by Ghana Airways, the Official Liquidator airline firm.
The amount is expected to be paid to the former employees within the 2008 national budged cycle. When the amount is paid, it would thus close the dispute chapter between the OL and the former workers.
This was contained in the sixth edition of the progress report prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers and released in Accra over the weekend.
“As indicated in the fifth creditors report, with the support of the Government of Ghana (GoG), the OL negotiated and agreed severance payments of about US$6.5million with former Ghana Airways employees, excluding pilots and flight engineers, who initiated legal action against Ghana Airways and GoG at the High Court in Tema for their severance claims”, stated the report.
From the report, in partial fulfillment of its severance obligations to the former workers, $4.25million has already been paid in two installments, following the out of Court settlement with the OL.
The remaining arrears ($2.25) exclude severance payments due to former pilots and flight engineers amounting to about US$1.3million, which was settled in December 2006.

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